Our Story

In Story by Dori Yuen

My husband Philip had two heart attacks in one day two years ago. His heart stopped and he was resuscitated. Thank God he is alive. The doctor said his condition was not necessarily due to high cholesterol (his numbers weren’t too high), but rather the inflammation in his arteries and his system. He is quite young, but he was pre-diabetic. The doctor recommended him to change his diet and cut down on sugar and carbs. 

Until then our main diet was rice, pasta and noodles. I know he should eat more vegetables and fiber. But honestly, to completely change his eating habits and limiting his choice of foods is almost impossible. After all, rice is part of our culture and heritage. To take that out would discourage him and create more stress and resentment. It was for that reason that I began my search for rice-alternative. 

I came across with this bulgur wheat in some South Asian markets. Some Indians use bulgur wheat to make porridge with ghee and sugar. I checked the nutrition facts, and it is half the carb, half the calories and ten times more fiber than white rice. I thought, “Unbelievable! I wonder if I can prepare it and eat it just like rice?” 

We began to replace our rice with bulgur and consume it on a regular basis. A few months later, Philip lost 25 lbs. and his blood sugar is back to normal. My family and friends are loving it too! I hope our story would encourage you to take the first step to take charge of your health. We source our grains from the finest local mills in California to guarantee the freshness and quality of the grain. I hope you would enjoy our grain, and I can’t wait to hear your transformative stories too. Stay healthy and live your life to the fullest!

